Forget morning lineups!
Over 300 clinics have already eliminated their morning line-ups!
With 24/7 access to the clinic’s availabilities, registration for walk-in appointments becomes fair and simple. Forget about never-ending morning line-ups, impatience and stress. Enjoy a calm atmosphere that transforms your waiting room into a reception area as patients arrive gradually instead.
How does the online Triathlon work?
Your patients simply register online, without leaving the comfort of their home. With immediate online access to clinic availability, patients can schedule their walk-in appointment whether your clinic is open or closed. We also offer this service using an automated phone system.
Satisfied patients
By avoiding a waiting line, and any doubt about whether they’ll see a doctor, patients are calm and serene when arriving at the clinic.
A more pleasant atmosphere
No more chaos when the clinic opens
« 89% des Canadiens jugent important de profiter personnellement de tous les avantages offerts par les outils de santé numérique.
- Source: Inforoute Santé Canada »