Synchro is a waiting room management system. Patients are called electronically thanks to our web interface, which also allows them to keep track of their estimated waiting time.
How does Synchro work?
We have developed an algorithm which can predict new times for upcoming appointments in the event of delays. Once a delay is identified, patients are automatically advised of their new appointment time by email, text message or automated phone call, according to their preference.
Well appreciated benefits
Secretarial staff is no longer interrupted by waiting time requests.Patients are identified and called using a code consisting of a number and a letter, thus ensuring confidentiality in the waiting room. Your patients enjoy an innovative service, free of charge for them as well as you. Your clinic enjoys a tool which offers it direct communication with its clientele.You can also use this opportunity to implement Tandem, our virtual assistant.
« 89% des Canadiens jugent important de profiter personnellement de tous les avantages offerts par les outils de santé numérique.
- Source: Inforoute Santé Canada »